Sunday Services 10.40am
We have one service each Sunday morning, which is supported by our own organist. A worshipping community where worship relates to everyday life and everyone’s gifts and needs are valued. Our aim is to let all the people in the local vicinity know that we are a caring Church, very much alive and looking to spread the love of Jesus to everyone.
We are near our Anglican friends at St. Phillips and are working alongside them to bring the love and knowledge of our Lord to all.
We have various groups who use part of our premises which are a resource for our local community.
Monday 2.00 pm – Knit and Natter
Thursday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, Ash Cafe every week.
Thursday 7.00 pm – Girl’s Brigade, term time only .
Friday 2.15pm – Gentle Yoga and Wellbeing (call for details)
Friday 7.00 – 9.00 pm – Youth club, led by Werrington Young Peoples support group
Men’s Breakfast – 2nd Saturday every month (Tel. 01782 302995)
Regular Bible fellowship (call for details)
Please come and join us, a warm welcome awaits you.