Our Sunday Morning Services starts at 10.45am. A warm welcome is given as we prepare to worship God together. We gather to celebrate the love of God shown to us through Jesus Christ, God’s Son. We expect God to meet with us and speak to us. We provide a Junior Church and crèche, and the service will last for about an hour. Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits are served afterwards. Everyone is welcome!
Our Mission and Values
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through: Worship, Learning and Caring, Service and Evangelism. www.methodist.org
We care about the community and the environment
We are an active church. If we are going to carry the message as a church we must contribute positively to the community and provide the community with something they want.
We host Groups and Courses, carry out Outreach work and we work alongside other agencies in the community in order to express the love of God in a practical way.
We provide rooms and facilities for community groups (see What’s On) and facilities to hire.
We, as church members, care about people and the environment, and we use Fairtrade products whenever we can. We also donate, collect and deliver groceries to the Trussell Trust’s Foodbank service.
We are inclusive and welcoming to all.