Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; 
we are the clay, and you are our potter; 
we are all the work of your hand.
(Isaiah ch. 64 v 8)


On entering Salem Church, you enter into an unmistakably mid-Victorian church with a character and atmosphere all of its own.
Our community of Smallthorne is a thriving village community with a very busy shopping centre at its hub which is serviced by many bus routes.

On entering Salem Church, located on Ford Green road, ST6 1NT you enter into an unmistakably mid-Victorian churchn venue with a character and atmosphere all of its own.  Salem offers a traditional worship experience centring around the organ befitting the venue.  Our community of Smallthorne is a thriving village community with a very busy shopping centre at its hub which is serviced by many bus routes.

Salem is an active church with many social events during the year.  The main children’s activities are centred on the Boys Brigade and Girls Association (34th North Staffs Brigade) which meets on Tuesday  and Thursday nights, for further information Tel. 01782  837259.

Salem’s premises are used by MHA  Communities on Wednesday’s.  The scheme was invited and proposed for the Sentinel and City Council run ‘Our Heroes’ Community Organisation Championship and was chosen as the ‘Charity Champion winner for North Staffs 2017’.

Sunday10.30amMorning Worship
Tuesday6.30 – 7.30pmBrigade Juniors (8-11yrs)
 7.30 – 9.00pmBrigade Company Section
Wednesday10 – 11amLive at Home Exercise Class (Tel: 01782 837259)
 11.30am – 12.30pmHistory Reminisce Group (M.H.A.)
 3 – 4.15 pmChoir Practice, (info. 01782 212573)
Thursdays5.30 – 6.30 pmBrigade Anchors (5-8 years)

For Salem’s 181st Anniversary Deacon Rosemary Coggrave,  who retired from the church a few years ago made a return visit.  Part of the service included a presentation to Jackson Housley for his Queen’s Award (he has been a member of the Brigade at Salem for 13 years).   A photograph with Jackson and the Deacon on his right is shown below along with other company officers.

The 180th Anniversary Service was led by Rev. Barry Shipley, he is photographed with his wife Nancy and some members of the choir after the service on June 10th 2018.

Contact Details

  • Rev. Paul Parker
  • Postcode: ST6 1NT