Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; 
we are the clay, and you are our potter; 
we are all the work of your hand.
(Isaiah ch. 64 v 8)

We have finished the move at Norton……(sort of)

Just like after moving to a new house, where are half the things you know you packed! The Local Residents’ Association had a fair the first Sunday we were open, (28th July), it ended up being held inside due to the weather.  Our first full service was last Sunday, (4th August ’19). There are a […]

We have started the move at Norton

It is here, the week where the removal van comes and takes all the packed boxes to the location of the next step in Norton’s church life. The last and first service take place 28th July ’19.  10:00 am at “St. John’s” and finishing after processing to “Norton Community Church”. As a door closes, another […]

We are nearly moving at Norton

Work is still ongoing in the former Community Centre but things are definitely taking shape.  There is less than a month until the building is handed back to the members of the church in Norton.  Here is a glimpse of the work so far. Worship area / hall: Junior Church / Side hall: Meeting /Side […]

We are moving at Norton

  We are in the process of relocating. The whole congregation is excited about our move. The building has been purchased, the next step is to start refurbishment.  We will add news and photographs as progress is made. We look forward to being in the middle of the community in Norton Estate.   🙂